Tuesday, August 14, 2007

BBC iPlayer Protest - Manchester - Tuesday, 14th August 2007

The plan for tomorrow. Meet upstairs at 12:00 or thereabouts at Odder,
which is a pub right across from the BBC. Look out for people with a
bunch of yellow suits.

We have yellow suits and helmets for a lot of people. Everyone will get
one or the other. Hopefully, we'll have enough for everyone. We also
have a lot of flyers, and banners.

The police know we're coming. They seemed perfectly fine about it. The
press, less so - the Manchester Evening News seemed quite dismissive of
us. We'll see.

Anyway, it's going to be a nice peaceful protest. Bring cameras, take
photos and let's have a really cool event.

I will be videoing. We hope to get some cool footage for Defective By

Look forward to seeing you all later,


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