The BSD community needs to stop blithering on about licences ad nauseum. It needs to stop dribbling on about software freedoms.

And where the FOSS community can match these individual components one on one, as an entire stack I don’t believe we measure up. FreeBSD/Linux with Apache, PostGRES/MySQL, Drupal+wiki, Zimbra, LDAP, OpenOffice… can the lot interoperate on the same level? Oh no, let’s focus instead on arguing which is better: BSDL or GPL! *sigh*
So, to the FOSS community, I beg of you - gag the zealots, foster the BSD/GPL duality I mentioned and get on with the job. Stop bleating on about “this is the year of Linux on the desktop!” like we have been for the last decade, because while it may be true that we’re making inroads to the home user desktop, in the corporate space we’re still being measured against Microsoft. And until we can match or beat the Microsoft stack, we’ll stay exactly where we are now - bickering among ourselves.
It’s time the bazaar grew up and became a more civilised market.
Are you high? You really shouldn't complain about the BSD people standing up for their licence, when someone violates your rights, you're supposed to defend them. That's what the BSD people are doing.
That you think the BSD people are in the wrong for defending themselves is a sad thing.
Software must be free.
I don't even have to say this blog is ugly, you have to know it!
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